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Revolutionizing Web3 Recruitment: CoinAcademy Partners with Jobbio and Amply

Revolutionizing Web3 Recruitment: CoinAcademy Partners with Jobbio and Amply

In an ever-evolving ecosystem, CoinAcademy, your go-to source for cryptocurrency education, is proud to announce its partnership with Jobbio and its groundbreaking network, Amply. Together, we aim to redefine the recruitment landscape in the web3 world.

Discover the best job opportunities in the web3 field

The Need for a Dedicated Space

The blockchain and cryptocurrencies are not just technologies, but agents of change that redefine our digital future. In light of this reality, it is crucial to bring together talent in this space. This is where CoinAcademy and Jobbio with Amply come in, providing a platform tailored to professionals in the industry, both employers and candidates alike.

Partnering with Coin Academy is a major milestone. Our shared goal is to provide the blockchain community with an unparalleled space for opportunities and exchange.

– Stephen Quinn, CEO and co-founder of Jobbio

A Fusion of Innovation and Expertise

This partnership is more than just a merger of skills; it is the meeting of Jobbio’s innovative technology with Amply and CoinAcademy’s deep understanding of the web3 universe. Together, we aim to create a dynamic hub where professionals, businesses, and enthusiasts can connect, learn, and grow.

We see this collaboration with Jobbio as an excellent opportunity to contribute to the ecosystem’s growth by connecting companies with numerous talents.

– Léonard Dupuis, founder and CEO of CoinAcademy

Discover and Shape the Future

Our platform will go beyond job listings; it will serve as a convergence point for various roles within web3, welcoming developers, analysts, smart contract experts, and many more. We are determined to be the anchor for those who are seeking to shape the future of blockchain.

Stephen Quinn adds, “With Coin Academy, we aim to create a united community focused on innovation and progress. It’s an exciting journey, and we look forward to sharing it with everyone.”

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