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Ledger Live Integrates Coinbase Pay to Simplify Crypto Transactions

Ledger, a leader among hardware wallet providers, and the cryptocurrency exchange platform Coinbase have announced a collaboration aimed at simplifying cryptocurrency purchases and facilitating the transfer of assets from an exchange to a self-managed wallet. This initiative will integrate Coinbase Pay into the Ledger Live application, allowing users to transfer their existing crypto assets and make transactions directly from their desktop or mobile devices.

Coinbase Pay Integration Transforms the Transfer Process

The Ledger team has emphasized that the previous process of transferring cryptocurrencies from an exchange to a non-custodial wallet was cumbersome and prone to errors. Ian Rogers, Chief Experience Officer at Ledger, compares this integration to the simplification brought by the travel agency Skyscanner for travel bookings, making the purchase of cryptocurrencies via Coinbase and depositing funds into Ledger’s self-custody much easier.

Perspectives on the Demand for Personal Custody

Rogers anticipates diversification in wallet usage, similar to how people manage different bank accounts, indicating that the collaboration with Coinbase highlights the freedom of choice for consumers. This integration also aims to simplify the experience for those who are new to self-custody, stating that “you have the option to choose digital ownership through self-management.”

The Ledger team envisions the beginning of a new cycle for the crypto space, driven by the recent launch of Bitcoin Spot ETFs. This development is expected to attract new users to the crypto space, who, although they may start their journey with ETFs, will be encouraged to opt for self-custody, which Ledger believes is “the true use case for cryptocurrencies.”

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