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Justin Sun’s Provocative Claims and Defense of HTX Usage

Justin Sun’s Controversial Claims and Defending the Use of HTX Against Rumors

Justin Sun, known for his provocative statements, recently addressed rumors suggesting that he does not frequently use his cryptocurrency exchange, HTX. To prove his commitment, he shared a screenshot of his HTX wallet, claiming to hold approximately 28,614 bitcoins, worth around $1.6 billion.

Defending His Use of HTX

In response to the allegations that he has not been actively using HTX, Justin Sun emphasized his active utilization of the platform. He claimed to be a diligent user of HTX while also endorsing other major exchanges. His tweet aimed to clarify his position and personal use of HTX, placing himself on par with other platform users.

This demonstration comes at a time when Justin Sun is facing accusations from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for fraud and violations of securities laws. The SEC has accused him of orchestrating a scheme to artificially boost trading volumes and sell unregistered securities.

Furthermore, Justin Sun has served as an advisor to the cryptocurrency exchange Huobi, contributing to its rebranding as HTX in order to expand its international market and attract customers beyond China. However, the billionaire continues to assert that he does not own the exchange.

Justin Sun’s publication raises questions about the accuracy of his cryptocurrency wealth and his communication strategy. While his intention is to clarify his use of HTX, it comes at a time when his past and present actions under regulatory scrutiny continue to draw attention. So, is it truly a personal account or funds of the exchange?

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