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Wave of Staff Departures at Binance and Coinbase

Binance faces a wave of staff departures

This week has seen significant changes in Binance’s anti-crime team, with the departure of Jennifer Hicks, a senior executive in the fight against terrorism, and financial crime investigator Suleiman M. Hicks, who had recently been appointed to lead the exchange’s anti-terrorism finance council, left the firm, a move she confirmed via LinkedIn. Suleiman’s departure, attributed to recent redundancy, was also announced on the platform. These departures are part of a broader trend at Binance, with several senior executives, including the former product head and regional leaders, leaving in recent months.

Strategic personnel changes at Coinbase

Meanwhile, Coinbase is also experiencing a significant turnover in personnel. Nana Murugesan, the Senior Vice President of International Business and Development, announced his planned departure for early next year. Murugesan played a key role in Coinbase’s global expansion efforts, particularly in seeking cooperative regulators for markets in Europe, Canada, Brazil, Singapore, and Australia. His departure comes as Coinbase, known for its rigorous work environment, seeks to improve its talent density and adapt to changes in the cryptocurrency market.

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