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Bitcoin ETFs: Breaking Records and Setting Trends

A Record Day for Bitcoin ETFs:

One Billion Dollars in a Single Day

March 12 marked a historic day for recently approved US Bitcoin Spot ETFs, with net inflows surpassing one billion dollars.

This surge in inflows is not isolated, as Blackrock’s IBIT product itself recorded a record influx of 849 million dollars on the same day.

This remarkable performance reflects the strong demand and growing investor confidence in financial products based on Bitcoin, particularly in the context of Spot ETFs that offer direct exposure to the cryptocurrency without traditional intermediaries.*

An Impressive Performance for Bitcoin ETFs

Since their launch in January 2024, Bitcoin Spot ETFs have experienced a meteoric rise, accumulating net inflows of over 11.1 billion dollars in just two months.

These products have not only captured the majority of daily transaction volume among ETFs offering exposure to Bitcoin, but they have also attracted a new wave of institutional and individual investors.

The marked preference for Spot ETFs over futures ETFs highlights a significant shift in how investors are looking to engage in the Bitcoin market, favoring more direct and potentially transparent options.

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