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The OpBNB Airdrop: A Step-by-Step Guide to Eligibility

The OpBNB Airdrop: How to Participate and What You Need to Know

The OpBNB network has already made waves since launching its testnet on June 19, 2023. If you don’t want to miss out on the potential airdrop, here is a step-by-step guide to ensure you are eligible.

Key Information about the OpBNB Airdrop

  • Project: OpBNB
  • Cost: Free (testnet)
  • Airdrop: Confirmed
  • Difficulty: Intermediate

What is OpBNB?

OpBNB is a high-performance layer 2 solution within the BNB ecosystem that leverages the Optimism stack. With stable and low gas fees, OpBNB is an excellent solution for widespread adoption in various digital environments, including gaming, decentralized exchanges, daily use, and digital collectibles.

How to Be Eligible for the OpBNB Airdrop

To begin interacting with the OpBNB testnet, you first need to configure your MetaMask wallet. Once you have a tBNB balance on the BNB Smart Chain testnet, you can proceed to send it to OpBNB. Follow the instructions on to add the BNB Smart Chain network to your MetaMask wallet.

To obtain $BNB tokens on this network, visit the BNB Smart Chain Faucet and request BNB by providing your BNB address.

The OpBNB bridge will allow you to transfer $BNB between OpBNB and the BNB Smart Chain Testnet. To do this, connect your wallet, enter the desired amount of $BNB in the deposit tab, and confirm the transaction. Repeat the process in the withdrawal tab to withdraw funds from OpBNB to the BNB Smart Chain Testnet.

You can also repeat the above processes with other tokens to earn points for future quests.

The next missions involve sending $tBNB and other tokens to an OpBNB address. These transactions can be made directly from your MetaMask wallet.

Mint an NFT on OpBNB by visiting the OpBNB scan platform. Connect your wallet, click on the ‘Mint’ button, and confirm the transaction.

Keep in mind that all the above steps can be repeated to earn additional points.

There are a few missions that can only be completed once. To start, visit ZkBridge and mint the NFT ‘Pandra: DebugPilot’ on the BNB Chain Testnet. Connect your wallet, click on ‘Claim,’ and confirm the transaction.

Next, use the zkNFT bridge to send the NFT to OpBNB. Select the Testnet option and choose BNB Chain Testnet as the Sender Blockchain. Import the ‘Pandra: DebugPilot’ NFT and select the OpBNB Testnet as the Receiver Blockchain. Follow the subsequent steps to complete the transaction.

If you want to explore ZkBridge further, check out our comprehensive guide on the ZkBridge airdrop.

You will also need to mint an NFT on Meta Merge Match3. Complete the first level to unlock the ‘Mint NFT’ button. One NFT is enough for this mission.

Connect your Twitter and Particle accounts to start the Particle OpBNB Odyssey quest. Claim $tUSDC tokens and exchange them for $tUSDT tokens.

Important Details

To stay updated on the OpBNB airdrop, be sure to follow the announcements on BNB Chain’s Twitter account. Remember to perform the required daily interactions to maximize your points.

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