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NASA Revolutionizes Lunar Landings with Blockchain

To counter the detractors of landing on the Moon (or moon landing), NASA has developed a revolutionary strategy. In collaboration with the Florida-based computer startup Lonestar and the Isle of Man, they are harnessing the power of blockchain technology. A mission planned for February 2024 will deposit a payload on the Moon, loaded with ‘data cubes’. The integrity of this data, once returned to Earth, will be validated using blockchain, providing an unbreakable verification system.

People often say to NASA ‘You invented the moon missions’ and it’s surprisingly difficult to prove that they actually happened. – Kurt Roosen

Source: Science Focus

Mission Artemis: NASA Uses Blockchain

Artemis 2, scheduled to launch in November 2024, precedes the highly anticipated Artemis 3 mission, the first to see humans set foot on the Moon since the historic Apollo missions. Although the Artemis 2 crew will only orbit the Moon before returning home, its success is crucial, paving the way for the Artemis 3 crew to actually land on the lunar surface.

Lunar Storage Powered by Solar Energy: A Partnership for the Future

Parallel to NASA’s ambitions, Lonestar and the Isle of Man have embarked on a new scientific venture. Their joint project focuses on creating sustainable lunar storage systems, powered solely by the Sun, without requiring additional infrastructure. Through a technology called ‘digital franking’, digital stamps will be preserved in the lunar data cubes. Once retrieved, the blockchain will confirm the authenticity of the data, ensuring its unaltered state.

Putting an End to Moon Landing Conspiracy Theories

Landing on the Moon has been a controversial topic for decades, with skeptics questioning the legitimacy of NASA’s six lunar landings between 1969 and 1972. While the power of blockchain may not convince every skeptic, it will certainly provide a definitive record for all subsequent lunar visits, making it harder to dispute.

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