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Guide to the DOP Airdrop

Many platforms promise an airdrop to their first users to attract a large number of testers who will later be rewarded with a token distribution.

Some key points about the DOP Airdrop

  • Project: DOP
  • Token: $DOP
  • Duration: Short
  • Probability: Confirmed
  • Cost: Free (testnet)

What is DOP?

According to DOP (Data Ownership Protocol), the main problem in Web3 and blockchain systems is that user data, such as account balances, transactions, and on-chain activity, are fully transparent and public by default.

The Data Ownership Protocol (DOP) platform introduces the concept of controlled selective disclosure of data on the chain. Users can choose to selectively disclose certain account information and transaction details while keeping other data points private.

By giving users control and flexibility over their data exposure, DOP allows for wider adoption of blockchain by those who value their financial privacy. At the same time, DOP ensures that tools are provided to blacklist illicit activities while maintaining accountability and ethical standards.

How to be eligible for the DOP Airdrop

To interact with the DOP testnet, you will first need to own and configure a digital wallet that supports the Ethereum Sepolia network. Here are a few wallets you can download:

Wallet Ethereum:

Once your wallet is configured, you can now visit the DOP platform. You will be asked to provide your email address to access the platform.

You will then need to create and configure your DOP wallet. To do this, click on “Create Wallet” and choose a password. Remember to safely store your seed phrase and secret key.

You will then be asked to connect your Metamask wallet to the Ethereum Sepolia network on the platform.

Step 1

To complete the first step, link your X account on the platform by clicking the “Sign in with X” button. Follow the X account @dop_organd proceed with the verification.

Step 2

To complete this step, simply claim ETH on Sepolia with the faucet. Click the “Claim” button of step 2 to receive your tokens.

Step 3

Step 3 is solely about claiming $DOP tokens on the testnet, which you will later use for DOP’s features. Click the “Claim” button of this step and validate the transaction on your wallet.

Step 4

For this final faucet, you will receive several different tokens to test the protocol. To claim these tokens, click the “Claim” button and validate the transaction on your wallet.

Step 5

In order to complete this step, we need to encrypt tokens. To access this feature, click the “Get Started” button of step 5.

Select the token and the amount you want to encrypt, then click “Encrypt“, “Confirm“, and validate the transaction.

Step 6

Once you have encrypted some tokens, you will need to send them. Access this function by clicking “Get Started“.

Select your address in the “DOP Account” box, choose the token and the amount you want to send. Then click the “Send” button and validate the transaction.

Step 7

In this step, you will need to decrypt some of your encrypted tokens. Like the previous steps, the “Get Started” button will redirect you to the tab where you can use this function.

To decrypt a token, follow these steps:

  1. Select the address of your digital wallet.
  2. Choose the token you want to decrypt.
  3. Enter the amount of tokens.
  4. Enter the password for your digital wallet.
  5. Click “Decrypt“.
  6. Validate the transaction.

Step 8

The final step to qualify for this airdrop requires you to invite at least three users to create a wallet on the DOP platform. You can increase your allocation by inviting more users to complete this guide. You will receive a 20% bonus for each user who completes all the steps using your invitation link.

Important details:

You must complete all eight steps to qualify for this airdrop, which will take place in early 2024 at the launch of the DOP token. To stay updated, make sure to follow the X account @dop_org.

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