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Ethereum’s Dencun Upgrade Deployed on the Goerli Testnet

Upgrade Dencun to be deployed on the mainnet soon:

  1. The Dencun upgrade has just been deployed on Ethereum’s Goerli testnet.
  2. This upgrade introduces EIP-4844, a step towards proto-danksharding.
  3. Ethereum developers are preparing for a mainnet launch in the first quarter of 2024.

Deployment of Dencun on the Goerli testnet

As promised, Ethereum developers have just deployed the Dencun upgrade on the Goerli testnet. The next step for the developers is to deploy Dencun on Ethereum’s mainnet. According to the developers, the deployment on the main network is planned for the first quarter of 2024.

During a live broadcast, the developers confirmed that they deployed the Dencun upgrade on the Goerli testnet around 07:35 a.m., French time.

Despite some obstacles, including a potential “chain split” due to synchronization issues between clients, the deployment of Dencun on Goerli has been successfully finalized.

The importance of the Dencun upgrade

The central feature of Dencun is the introduction of EIP-4844, which proposes a new transaction mechanism known as “proto-danksharding”.

In simple terms, EIP-4844 introduces a “temporary storage system” for off-chain data (outside the main blockchain). This allows network nodes to store and access data without directly cluttering the blockchain.

Developers expect this to “significantly reduce transaction costs” for Ethereum dApps. After Goerli, the next steps include activating Dencun on the Sepolia testnet on January 31, followed by the Holesky testnet on February 7, before the final launch on the mainnet planned for the end of the first quarter of 2024.

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