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Aptos Introduces Keyless Web Wallet with Google Accounts

Aptos Unveils Aptos Connect: A Keyless Web Wallet Integrated with Google Accounts

Aptos, a blockchain company, has announced the release of a new keyless web wallet application called Aptos Connect. This innovative wallet allows users to access decentralized applications using their Google account, eliminating the need for private keys or other security measures.

Aptos Connect simplifies the integration with Web3 by allowing users to create and manage Aptos blockchain accounts with a single click using their Google ID. This eliminates the need for private keys and offers a seamless user experience within the developer’s application. The connection between social accounts and blockchain accounts is securely established by using OpenID Connect (OIDC) and zero-knowledge proofs.

Although the option to log in with Google or Apple IDs is not unique in the crypto world, Aptos Connect stands out by offering this convenience without requiring users to click on an email link, enter an access key, or rely on a multipartite computing network. With Aptos Connect, users simply click on the “Continue with Google” button and select their Google account to access their wallet. An integration with Apple ID is also planned in the near future.

Aptos Connect is made possible by Aptos Improvement Proposal 61 (AIP-61), which enables transactions to be authorized through JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) used by providers such as Google, Facebook, and Apple. Zero-knowledge proofs are utilized to protect the user and provider identities, ensuring that the blockchain data does not reveal the specific Google ID associated with an Aptos account.

It is important to note that the security of Aptos Connect relies entirely on the user’s Google account. Aptos warns that if the user’s Google account is compromised, they may lose their cryptocurrency. However, the documents suggest that some users may be comfortable with this risk, as many software applications currently rely on web2 login providers.

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