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Apple Emerges Victorious in Bidding War for Next Michael Lewis Book

As the crypto world gears up for the trial of Sam Bankman-Fried, the former CEO of FTX, Apple is said to have won a fierce bidding war, securing the rights to Michael Lewis’ next book titled ‘Going Infinite: The Rise and Fall of a New Tycoon’ for an astronomical sum of $5 million. The acclaimed author of The Big Short plans to unveil the book on October 3rd, strategically coinciding with the highly publicized criminal trial of Bankman-Fried in New York.

Upcoming Documentaries: A Deep Dive into the Crypto World

Beyond the anticipated captivating narrative in Lewis’ book, the media landscape buzzes with news of several documentaries in the works, tracing the tumultuous journey of the young entrepreneur known for his unique fashion choices. Emmy Award-nominated filmmaker Nanette Burstein is rumored to be spearheading one such project, drawing on her experience in portraying figures such as the late John McAfee and Hillary Clinton. However, the progress of these cinematic endeavors remains uncertain due to ongoing strikes by the Writers Guild of America and the Screen Actors Guild, advocating for better streaming platform royalties and clearer guidelines on the role of AI in the industry.

A Fallen Star: The Meteoric Rise and Fall of Sam Bankman-Fried

Sam Bankman-Fried, once a symbol of success in the crypto space, has witnessed his empire crumble, leading to his arrest in the Bahamas. A curious figure, SBF was known for managing massive assets while maintaining a casual appearance. His downfall has captivated the world, transforming him from a beloved crypto figure to a defendant donning a suit and tie in the courts. Anticipation surrounding his trial is mounting, with many eagerly awaiting to dissect the story presented in Michael Lewis’ in-depth account.

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