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Ankr Integrates Linea Network into RPC to Streamline Blockchain Development

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Ankr, a pioneer in blockchain infrastructure solutions, has announced a partnership to integrate the Linea network into its RPC service. This advancement allows developers to harness the full potential of the Linea network, enabling them to build scalable and efficient web3 use cases on Consensys’ layer 2. With this integration, Ankr aims to strengthen its commitment to innovation, aiming to revolutionize how developers build decentralized applications (dApps) on the Linea network.

Nouvelles connexions Linea au RPC d’Ankr : Rationaliser le développement de la blockchain

Ankr, a one-stop web3 development hub providing a complete suite of tools to build Web3 applications and power them with high-performance connections to over 45 blockchains. They provide multi-chain dApp development tools, blockchain engineering services, staking solutions, and a globally distributed node infrastructure that makes all this possible.

Our collaboration with Ankr to integrate our zkEVM rollup into their RPC services is a crucial development. This partnership significantly extends Linea’s reach and usage within the developer community. By leveraging Ankr’s established platform, Linea’s growing ecosystem becomes more accessible to a broader range of developers, facilitating the creation and migration of scalable and efficient dApps on Layer 2.

Delcan Fox, Linea Product Lead

Linea combines the power of zero-knowledge proofs with full Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) equivalence, allowing builders to create scalable dApps or migrate existing dApps without having to modify code or rewrite smart contracts. The prover design ensures faster transaction speeds and reduced gas costs without sacrificing security.

Linea is also designed to be accessible and highly composable, offering flexibility and scalability to developers who don’t need to be a zero-knowledge technology expert to build on a zkEVM.

Ankr is excited to join forces with Linea to create an incredibly secure and scalable blockchain ecosystem that prioritizes the developer experience. Prioritizing developers with incredibly fast, reliable, and user-friendly infrastructure highlights Linea’s commitment to becoming a hub for some of the most innovative web3 application creation.

Stanley Wu, Co-founder and CTO of Ankr


RPCs eliminate the need for developers to set up and maintain their own Linea nodes, revolutionizing the development process. This innovation allows developers to save hours of time and effort previously spent on node setup and troubleshooting.

Responsabiliser les développeurs

With the Premium RPC plan, developers gain instant access to powerful tools. These tools include a high request rate, high priority, global node localization, telemetry, debugging mode, support portal, and WebSocket (WS) capabilities. Developers are thus able to tackle the challenges of rapidly creating feature-rich applications on the Linea network.

Extension des possibilités

Ankr’s RPC service enables applications and open-source software to leverage the capabilities of the Linea network, providing developers with a data-rich high-performance node cluster necessary for dApp development and operation.

Renforcer le réseau Linea

Ankr’s collaboration with the Linea Foundation supports the overall ecosystem of the Linea network. By streamlining development processes and expanding the reach of distributed node infrastructure, Ankr contributes to the network’s growth and impact.

Simplifier le développement de la blockchain

The integration of Linea into Ankr’s RPC embodies innovation, empowerment, and impact. It simplifies blockchain development, making it accessible to a wider audience.

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