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MicroStrategy: Transforming into the First Global ‘Bitcoin Bank’

MicroStrategy: Transforming into the First Global ‘Bitcoin Bank’

MicroStrategy, under the leadership of CEO Michael Saylor, is aiming to transform the company into the world’s first major ‘bitcoin bank’ with a valuation of over $1 trillion. The unique strategy of the company is based on the belief that bitcoin is the most valuable asset in the world, with exponential growth and an ‘infinitely scalable’ model.

Michael Saylor’s Vision: A Billionaire Goal

In a recent meeting with Bernstein analysts, Michael Saylor outlined a bold vision for MicroStrategy: to become the top bitcoin bank and eventually a $1 trillion company. Unlike traditional banks that lend funds, MicroStrategy plans to borrow money at low rates, offer slightly higher rates to lenders, and invest those funds directly into bitcoin. Saylor estimates that this model could generate an average annual return of 29%, setting the company on a path of exponential growth.

MicroStrategy has already made bitcoin accumulation a cornerstone of its financial strategy. With 252,220 BTC valued at over $15 billion, the company has become the largest holder of bitcoins among publicly traded companies. Saylor believes that this massive accumulation, equivalent to about 1.2% of the total bitcoin supply, positions MicroStrategy as a key player in the market.

L’entreprise se négocie avec une prime de 50%, avec plus de volatilité et d’ARR, nous pouvons construire une entreprise qui a une prime de 100% sur 150 milliards de dollars de Bitcoin et construire une entreprise de 300-400 milliards de dollars avec le plus grand marché d’options, le plus grand marché d’actions. Ensuite, nous commençons à nous attaquer aux marchés des titres à revenu fixe et nous continuons à acheter de plus en plus de bitcoins. Bitcoin va atteindre des millions de dollars par BTC, vous savez, et nous créerons alors une entreprise d’un billion de dollars.

The Bitcoin Bank: A Unique Model

Saylor’s ambition is clear: MicroStrategy does not aim to function like a traditional bank but rather to play a central role in bitcoin capital markets. By using a variety of financial instruments such as stocks, convertible bonds, and preferred shares, the company aims to create a set of market instruments tied to bitcoin, strengthening its position in this ecosystem. According to Saylor, MicroStrategy could reach a valuation of $300 to $400 billion, with the ultimate goal of becoming a trillion-dollar company.

The key of this strategy lies in Saylor’s conviction that bitcoin is the ‘most valuable asset in the world’ and that its price will continue to increase dramatically. He even envisions a BTC price reaching millions of dollars in the coming years, which would be a major lever for making MicroStrategy a billionaire player.

A Bitcoin-Focused Financing Strategy

One of MicroStrategy’s differentiated approaches is its capital management method. Instead of lending their bitcoins or adopting traditional financing models, MicroStrategy borrows money at low rates from financial markets and invests it directly into bitcoin. According to Saylor, this strategy is much safer than lending to human counterparts, be they companies or governments.

Saylor defends this approach by stating that ‘investing in bitcoin’ is more profitable and less risky than conventional loans. By borrowing billions of dollars and placing them in bitcoin, the company hopes to leverage the estimated annual growth of 29% for the asset. Saylor is convinced that even in a more pessimistic scenario, bitcoin would continue to increase significantly, providing much higher returns than traditional alternatives.

An Inimitable Strategy?

MicroStrategy has managed to establish a unique model of arbitrage between traditional financial markets and the bitcoin market. By offering bitcoin-related investment instruments while benefiting from low-cost debt, the company has created a framework that is difficult for others to replicate. Even companies like bitcoin miners or cryptocurrency exchanges cannot match this approach due to their more complex financial structure or their focus on multiple activities.

MicroStrategy’s model is based on an unwavering belief in bitcoin as a store of value. Michael Saylor encourages other companies to follow this path, but for now, few actors are capable of adopting the same strategy on a large scale.

The Future: Unlimited Growth?

Michael Saylor makes no secret of his ambition to position MicroStrategy as a key financial institution in the bitcoin ecosystem. With a bitcoin market that could, in his opinion, reach trillions of dollars, MicroStrategy’s ability to continue borrowing and investing in this asset could extend indefinitely. Saylor believes that his model is ‘infinitely scalable,’ with the potential to raise hundreds of billions of dollars in the years to come.

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